Woman sees what she thought was a happy bird, then suddenly realises it’s something else

Embarking on a leisurely journey through the enchanting landscapes of Popran National Park in Australia, Kym Beechey found herself captivated by the allure of wildflowers, aiming to immortalize their beauty through her lens. Renowned for her unhurried hikes that allow her to fully absorb the marvels of nature, Beechey often faced the challenge of capturing the elusive movements of the area’s wildlife.

On a serendipitous day, fortune seemed to favor her when she spotted what initially appeared to be a young tawny frogmouth, bearing a striking resemblance to an owl, perched gracefully on a limb. A surge of excitement coursed through her veins, as avian subjects had proven to be notoriously swift for her camera.

Swiftly reaching for her phone, Beechey readied herself to capture the seemingly cheerful little bird. Zooming in for a closer look, a sense of anticipation enveloped her, only to be met with an unexpected twist. The smiling avian subject turned out to be none other than a banksia pod, a unique and charming pod that strikingly resembled a joyful bird.

As Beechey adjusted her camera to the revelation, it dawned on her that the seemingly animated “bird” was, in reality, a banksia pod, a distinctive and adorable pod that mimicked the appearance of a delighted bird. Banksia pods find their roots in banksia trees, primarily flourishing in southwestern Australia, with occasional sightings in New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.

Diverging from the resemblance to conventional pine cones, banksia pods are distinct fruit structures unrelated to pine trees. Originating from the Banksia genus trees, these pods, notably those from the Bull Banksia species, boast a substantial and sturdy build, making them suitable for an array of wood applications.

The Banksia grandis species, recognized for producing sizable seed pods, injects an artistic flair into various crafts and frequently graces online markets. Once the vibrant red or yellow banksia flowers shed their petals, the cone perseveres on the tree, eventually giving birth to seeds. Remarkably, a single tree can host both blossoms and mature cones concurrently.

The unique visage of banksia pods emerges from their tendency to burst open, liberating seeds in the process. Although Beechey’s initial impression of encountering an endearing baby bird was misplaced, she embraced the delightful surprise with laughter. Despite the amusing deception, the encounter contributed another charming snapshot to her ever-growing collection of exquisite wildflowers.

Given their idiosyncratic traits, banksia pods possess an uncanny ability to be mistaken for other entities, with each pod presenting a distinctive appearance within its own realm. Have you ever stumbled upon a plant that, at first glance, bore an uncanny resemblance to something entirely different, perhaps masquerading as a bird or another creature?

Michael Jackson’s Friend Finally Spills the Real Reason Behind His Famous Glove

Michael Jackson’s Friend ‘Knew the Real Reason’ He Wore Single White Glove on Right Hand

Michael Jackson’s single white glove became one of his most famous fashion choices during his career. According to actor Cicely Tyson, she knew the real reason why he wore it. Tyson shared that she had been aware of what motivated Jackson to make this iconic glove a part of his look.

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Michael Jackson Wore His Famous White Glove to Hide a Skin Condition, Says Friend

Michael Jackson’s iconic white glove became a signature part of his look during his career. According to a friend, the glove was originally designed to hide signs of vitiligo, a condition that causes patches of skin to lose color. Jackson, who passed away in 2009, often wore the glove on his right hand.

Vitiligo affects the skin, especially on the face, neck, and hands, and is caused by a lack of melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color. It affects about 1 in every 100 people.


Late actor Cicely Tyson, who knew Jackson, shared this detail about his glove during his 2009 memorial service.

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A single white glove became a signature accessory for the late Michael Jackson throughout his career. The glove, often worn on his right hand, was part of his iconic style. It was originally created to help cover the effects of vitiligo, a skin condition that causes patches of skin to lose their color. Jackson, who passed away in 2009, used the glove to make a fashion statement while also concealing the condition. Vitiligo affects around 1 in 100 people and is caused by a lack of melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color.

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Late actor Cicely Tyson talked about Michael Jackson’s famous white glove in 2009 after his death.

Cicely, known for movies like *Sounder* (1972) and the TV show *How to Get Away with Murder*, spoke to CNN’s Don Lemon in an interview. She mentioned that she and Michael shared the same fashion designer in the 1980s, who worked on creating the glove.


Cicely remembered the designer saying, “I’m doing this glove for Michael,” explaining that Michael was starting to develop vitiligo, a skin condition, on his hand. She said, “The glove was to cover it. That’s how it came about.”

When asked how she knew, Cicely replied, “I was there when he was creating it.”

Michael first wore the white glove in 1983. He later said, “I felt that one glove was cool… wearing two gloves seemed ordinary.”

Michael Jackson talked about his skin condition during a 1993 interview with Oprah Winfrey, likely referring to vitiligo, a condition that runs in his family.

Oprah asked him about the noticeable change in his skin color and addressed rumors about him possibly bleaching his skin, asking, “Is your skin lighter because you don’t like being Black?”

Michael, unaware of skin bleaching, explained, “I have a skin disorder that destroys the pigmentation of the skin. It’s something I cannot help.” He added, “When people say I don’t want to be what I am, it hurts me.”

He mentioned that he first noticed his skin changing after releasing *Thriller* in 1982. Michael said he used makeup to manage the blotches but denied bleaching his skin.

Oprah later remarked that in 1993, many people didn’t understand vitiligo and noted that it was a sensitive topic for Michael.

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