Written by Alex North and Hy Zaret in 1955, this song is one of the most iconic ever, with its influence spanning decades.
Originally performed by Todd Duncan, it has since been covered by over 670 artists in different languages, but The Righteous Brothers’ 1965 version brought it lasting fame.
Their rendition is often considered the definitive version, with its soaring vocals and emotional depth capturing listeners around the world.
The song’s emotional intensity, highlighted by its powerful high notes, continues to resonate with listeners.
On a video of the song, which has reached 76 million views, one fan even commented: “I swear I can feel the chills going up and down my back when he hits those high notes. I feel like crying knowing that this amazing man is gone.”
In addition to The Righteous Brothers, Elvis Presley also gave Unchained Melody a new dimension when he performed it live.
Elvis, known for his versatility and charisma, added his own emotional weight to the song during his later years, captivating audiences with his impassioned delivery.
His version has helped the song maintain its timeless appeal and secure a place in pop culture history.

Elvis’ impact on Unchained Melody cannot be overstated. His influence not only kept the song in the limelight but also expanded its reach to new audiences.
His live renditions became legendary, proving his unique ability to make any song his own.
Even today, both The Righteous Brothers’ and Elvis’ versions keep the song alive, making it one of the most beloved ballads of all time!
This girl was able to lose 352 lbs and this is how she looks now!

Nikki Weber from America is only 34 years old, but she has weighed a lot since childhood, devouring cakes and burgers without thinking about the consequences.

When the girl grew up, she realized that she had to lose weight and tried to go on strict diets. But every time she broke down, and attacked sweet and fatty foods. And as soon as she began to weigh 650 lbs, she realized that she had to change her life.

Then Nikki practically could not walk and get out of bed without someone’s help, so she moved to the house with her parents, who did not consider her daughter’s problem to be something global and did not try to direct her to a healthy lifestyle. They even came up with a special mechanism that lifted food to her on the second floor.

A program called “My whole 661 lbs” came to the rescue. Nikki was invited to participate in the program. The program supports fat people and tries to help them lose weight. The girl underwent surgery to make her stomach smaller, and nutritionists made up a personal diet.

Nikki was very worried, and doubted whether she could restrain herself and whether she would succeed, but her fears were in vain. She pulled herself together and overcame all fears. After the operation she threw off 198 lbs.

Nikki was able to lose 352 lbs in the end, and underwent another operation to remove excess sagging skin, which weighed as much as 55 lbs.
Now Nikki weighs 198 lbs and is not going to stop there, she does physical activity and walks a lot every day. Nikki herself can not yet believe that she managed to lose weight and turn into a beautiful woman with a normal life.

In the gym, Nikki met her future husband Marcus. They fell in love with each other at first sight.

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