the answer is 10
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WATCH : Brandon Crushed With HUGE Let’s Go Brandon Chants Upon Arrival in East Palestine
President Biden recently traveled to East Palestine, Ohio, to make his first appearance at the site of the disastrous train deraiIment that happened over a year ago. The accident had a catastrophic impact on the surrounding community, and many have criticized the Biden administration for its lackluster response.
As one might expect, many residents of East Palestine harbor a good deal of resentment toward Joe Biden, slamming the president for waiting so Iong to visit. In contrast, Donald Trump made it a point to visit the community shortly after the accident, providing aid and resources to impacted residents.
Recent footage captured in East Palestine shows a crowd of angry residents protesting Biden’s visit for being too little too Iate. The video shows the crowd shouting “Let’s Go Brandon” while displaying a sea of Trump memorabilia.
Conservative journalist Ben Bergquam captured the atmosphere of the event, uploading it to X. “Guys out here nice Palestinian. This is Joe Biden finally showing up more than a year Iater. And that’s the message real simple too little too late. too little too late,” he said in the video.
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