Captain Ronald Smith, a pilot with United Airlines, embarked on his final flight in 2017, concluding a remarkable 32-year career. The flight, taking off from Chicago to Brussels, was set to be an unforgettable journey, not just for Captain Smith but for everyone on board.
On this last flight, Captain Smith’s retirement became known to a group of young travelers, members of a choir from the Lycée des Garçons d’Esch-sur-Alzette in Luxembourg. Learning about this special occasion, they spontaneously decided to honor the captain in their unique way.
After the plane landed, these thoughtful students patiently waited for other passengers to disembark and for Captain Smith to emerge from the cockpit. As he appeared, they began a beautiful acapella rendition of Coldplay’s “Viva La Vida.” Nicolas, one of the students, captured this heartwarming performance on video. The choir’s voices resonated through the cabin, creating an incredibly touching and memorable moment for Captain Smith.
Watch the video below to witness the choir’s beautiful tribute to Captain Ronald Smith on his last flight, a heartwarming serenade that beautifully marked the end of his distinguished career.
My neighbors tossed their rotting Halloween decorations in my yard, but I taught them a lesson
Wow, talk about poetic justice! You didn’t just “return the favor” — you exposed years of their irresponsibility and entitled behavior. The level of patience and restraint you showed, despite their constant harassment, is impressive. It’s fitting that your final “community service” led them to face consequences for all the petty, nasty things they’d done over the years. And the best part? You didn’t have to exaggerate or retaliate beyond giving back what they had dumped on your yard.
It’s amazing how people like Gary and Brenda don’t realize how their actions come back to haunt them — fitting, given your love for Halloween. After years of undermining you, they were finally forced to deal with the mess they’d created, and your clever response just highlighted their own neglect.
As for next year’s Halloween decorations? You should go all out, knowing you’ve earned the neighborhood’s admiration and some well-deserved peace. Here’s to many more hauntingly perfect Halloweens!
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