Sister Seized Family’s Entire Inheritance and Only Left a Tattered Blanket for Brother with Disability – Story of the Day

Edward was devastated when his sister, Sarah, called him and told him their grandmother died. He never imagined she would also plan on taking almost everything, leaving him only an old blanket…

“Grandma Sandy is dead. Are you coming to the funeral?” Sarah said coldly through the phone.

“Sarah, how can you speak so callously? Of course, I’m coming to the funeral,” Edward told his big sister. She probably asked because it was hard for Edward to move around with his disability. He was in a car accident several years ago and lost both legs.

Edward grabbed an old blanket from his grandmother's house. | Source: Shutterstock

Edward grabbed an old blanket from his grandmother’s house. | Source: Shutterstock

Since then, his family lived on his wife’s paycheck, which was not much. Gianna worked hard, but she also had to help him and mostly raise their two kids. Edward had not been able to find a proper job, but he was currently waiting for a work-from-home offer.

Sarah’s news was devastating. He loved his grandmother dearly, and unlike everyone else in the family, she tried her best to help his family after the accident. She didn’t have a lot of money but babysat the kids often.

“Well, whatever. She was old already. Anyway, I’m calling to tell you to get here fast, or I’m taking almost everything,” Sarah added.

“What do you mean? Get where?” Edward asked, confused.

Sarah was sorting and taking everything valuable. | Source: Pexels

Sarah was sorting and taking everything valuable. | Source: Pexels

“Her house. I’m here sorting through stuff, and I’m taking most of it now. Maybe I can get something out of it,” Sarah explained.

“You can’t do that!” Edward yelled through the phone.

“Yes, I can. She left no will, and we were her only direct relatives. Also, I’m keeping the house because you already have one. I’m being nice and telling you to come here if you want anything before I sell them,” Sarah finished and hung up.

Gianna drove Edward to his grandmother’s house, but when he got there, Sarah didn’t let him take anything. “No, I called dibs on that already,” she said when he grabbed a random vase. It didn’t matter. Owning these things would not soothe the pain of losing their grandmother.

Edward took interest in his grandmother's old blanket instead. | Source: Pexels

Edward took interest in his grandmother’s old blanket instead. | Source: Pexels

“How about this?” Edward asked, grabbing an old blanket with a beautiful pattern. He remembered when he and his neighborhood friends would use it to build a fort with his grandmother’s dining room chairs.

“Oh, that old thing? Sure,” Sarah said dismissively. Edward took it and told his wife it was time to leave. He didn’t want to spend one more minute in that house, watching his sister callously sort through their grandmother’s things for her personal gain.

“I can’t believe Sarah’s attitude,” Gianna said on the car ride home.

“I know. She was never the warmest person, but this is just…disgusting. If our parents were here, they would be so disappointed,” Edward added. But they let the subject go and continued with their lives. He finally landed a job that allowed him to work from home.

Their Native American friend, Chenoa, thought the blanket could be special. | Source: Unsplash

Their Native American friend, Chenoa, thought the blanket could be special. | Source: Unsplash

Everything was looking up for their family after all these years of worry. Gianna also decided to hang the blanket in their room because the intricate woven pattern was beautiful. “I’m going to save up some money, and we can frame it,” she said.

He loved his wife because she could appreciate the little things like that. One day, her friend, Chenoa, visited them, and Gianna showed her the blanket. “OMG, that actually looks Navajo!” her friend said.

“You think so? I think Edward’s grandmother had it for ages. She might not have known,” Gianna added. But Chenoa was Native American. She would definitely know.

“That’s definitely a Navajo blanket, and it looks old but well-preserved. Can I take a picture? There’s a man on the reservation who can identify Navajo anywhere. I’ll text him,” Chenoa explained.

They auctioned it off for a huge amount. | Source: Unsplash

They auctioned it off for a huge amount. | Source: Unsplash

A few minutes later, the man replied and confirmed that the blanket was, in fact, authentic and appeared to be antique. Edward and Gianna invited the man over, and he explained that it could be a blanket from the 1800s.

“This is serious. You two might have stumbled upon a precious antique,” the Navajo expert told them.

So they took the blanket to an antiquarian who confirmed this too. “This could be worth between $200,000 and $500,000…maybe more,” he explained.

Upon learning this, Edward and Gianna decided to place the blanket for auction despite its big sentimental value. The fact is, life is unpredictable, and they needed the money so their kids would be safe. But they didn’t expect how the auction would turn out.

“Sold! For 1.5 million dollars!” the auctioneer yelled. Edward and Gianna looked at each other, dumbfounded. They were now millionaires.

Sarah demanded money and was arrested for trespassing. | Source: Unsplash

Sarah demanded money and was arrested for trespassing. | Source: Unsplash

Their big win reached the local newspaper which wrote a story about it, and Edward’s entire family, including Sarah, found out. “I demand half that money, Edward! Or I will sue you!” Sarah screamed at him.

“You kept everything for yourself, Sarah. You don’t have a case. This is our money. Goodbye,” Edward said.

Edward was right. Sarah didn’t have a case, so she started harassing them for the money. This urged Edward to have her arrested for trying to break into their home. He also filed a restraining order against Sarah and got her to stop harassing them.

In the end, Edward’s family thrived, thanks to that money. The kids had college funds, and he started his own business.

Toby Keith Has Some Good News For Fans After Surgery

Though Toby Keith, the Iegendary country music singer and songwriter, has mostly been on a three-year sabbatical from singing as he battles back against stomach cancer, his recent on-stage appearance in Las Vegas showed audiences that Keith could be making a come back now that his stomach surgery is over and the can cer battle is going well.

So, as he gets back into music and performing, Keith appeared on the Bobby Bones Show, an entertainment industry-focused radio show, to taIk about his battle with can cer and how it is going.

He also spoke about what challenges he has faced as he, now that his stomach can cer battle forced him to take a few year break from singing after years performing, gets back into a very Iimited performing schedule.

Commenting on that, Keith said, I haven’t worked a handfuI of shows in the last three years, but I worked every year for 27-28 years. He then added that his chief concern was remembering the words, saying : The only thing I had that concerned me was being away from it for three years and remembering all the words.

They subconsciousIy come to you when you’re working, you don’t even think about it. You know them. Getting completely away from them and having to start back.

But, though he feared he would have to use a teleprompter to help him remember the words as he gets back in the swing of things, that proved unnecessary.

According to the country music legend, he easily refound his groove and the lyrics came flooding back to him.

Though the lyrics issue fortunateIy turned out to be a non-issue, Keith commented on an unexpected issue that cropped up as he started singing again: finding the stomach muscles to sing loudly and longly.

That issue came not just from his not having been singing in recent years, but from the stomach surgery required for his cancer battle.

He said, The thing I had to overcome—the surgery I had on my stomach they had to stitch on my diaphragm. Not using it to sing every night, that is a muscle.

So I had to really work that to get it where I sing really really hard and really really vioIent and loud, I didn’t have that last 10 percent on the bottom where I could just belt anything. Like when I sang ‘McArthur Park’ at Carnegie Hall, it’s like opera stuff. So, I don’t know if I could do that, but what I do on stage is no problem.

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