Remember Meggie Cleary from ‘The Thorn Birds’? — this is her today, age 65

It wasn’t certain that Rachel Ward was going to get the role of her lifetime, as she starred as Meggie Cleary in the classic mini-series The Thorn Birds.

The British actress and model has had a long and varying career, spanning decades. Now, she’s settled in Australia with her husband, whom she fell in love with on set.

So what really happened on The Thorn Birds? And why did the mini-series become such a huge success?

This is Rachel Ward today, at 65.

If you were to debate which television series is the best of all time, you’d probably get a different answer from every person you talk to. Firstly, there are so many different kinds of series, and of course, we all like different things.

But usually, the most popular television series are those that aired for many years, broadcast on television with several seasons and many strong and independent characters.

Bonanza, Little House on the Prairie, Friends, Sopranos or Twin Peaks. The answer to which one reigns supreme will probably never be decided, and to be honest, that is also one of the most fantastic things about television.

The Thorn Birds

There will always be a series that sticks closer to the heart than others.

Even though we have more established series that last for years, there are several examples of miniseries that weren’t meant to stick around long, but still reached cult status.

One of those was The Thorn Birds, starring Richard Chamberlain, Rachel Ward, and Bryan Brown.

It was first broadcast in March 1983, and over 30 million people in the US watched the ten-hour miniseries, based on Colleen McCullough’s 1977 Australian novel The Thorn Birds.

Thorn Birds

The mini-series gained huge interest and was praised by both the audience and critics, winning several awards, both for its story as well as the actors’ performances.

Rachel Ward

 Ten hours long and spread over five nights, The Thorn Birds is still to this day considered a classic that will live on for many years to come.

Rachel Ward starred as Meggie Cleary in The Thorn Birds, but at the time, it was pretty much a surprise when she got it. It turned out that the producers had difficulties in finding the perfect person for the role, but in the end, Ward was the perfect choice.

Not only did Ward get her big breakthrough by starring in the television mini-series, she also found the love of her life on set.

This is the story of Ward – and how she travelled the world to keep her passion for films and television series alive.

Rachel Ward – early life

Born on September 12, 1957, in Cornwell, Oxfordshire, England, Ward studied at the Hatherop Castle School in Hatherop before attending the Byam Shaw School of Art in London. However, at just 16 years of age, she left school to pursue a career in fashion.

Ward became a fashion and photography model, appearing on covers for VogueCosmopolitan, as well as Harper’s & Queen. She slowly made her way into the acting scene after she was featured in several commercials.

Years later, in 1995, she would earn her Graduate Diploma of Communications and a Graduate Certificate in Writing from University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.

In 1979, Rachel Ward appeared in her first television movie, Christmas Lilies of the Field. In the years that followed she would have a number of smaller roles, but in 1983, she would become a well-known actress all over the US.

Casting ‘The Thorn Birds’

Stan Marguiles was one of the producers on The Thorn Birds. But casting the right people to appear in the show wasn’t the easiest task.

In 1982, he explained the difficulty.

However, when they saw Rachel Ward, they were sure that they’d found the right one for the role of Meggie Cleary.

“She has to go from 18 to her early 50s. From a rather naïve, overly romantic young girl to a bitter woman in her 30s, to a woman who finally understands where she took the wrong turn when she reaches her 50s. There’s an enormous range of emotions and colors,” he said.

“They first started to age me, it was kind of scary,” Ward recalled. “I had these endless double chins. I sort of had a body suit underneath the clothes, I remember liking it when I grew older, I liked the outfits, there was slightly more masculine than they were in the beginning.”

Over 200 women were considered for the role of Meggie Cleary, and a total of 40 actresses auditioned.

Speaking with the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Ward recalled her audition.

“My audition was quite light and I had a sense of humor” she said. “I remember I was taking it seriously but I wasn’t acting with a capital A. It is so subjective, performances pieces, and I was probably spot on the first time. I got like 10/10 for looks and 4/10 for acting.” 

Golden Globe nominated

They sent Ward to work with an acting coach, and it was a great match. Starring alongside Richard Chamberlain as Father Ralph, Ward became a beloved actress, praised by viewers as well as critics.

In 1982, she was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television.

Chamberlain received a Golden Globe Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television. The show itself won four Golden Globes, including Best Miniseries, as well as six Emmy awards.

Rachel Ward

“It was the absolute top of the heat of a soap opera,” Chamberlain said. “I am often surprised when I think about how it remains so successful, because there was one tragedy after another, after another, after another. Nobody came out on top of that show. It was so sad but had such wonderful characters”

Rachel Ward: “Felt terribly”

Ward wasn’t an actress that crafted her skills through school, but rather she learned as time went by. As the show aired, she saw herself as the weaker link. She suffered from insecurity for years after she received some negative reviews (The New York Times said she was “miscast”).

“I felt terribly like I’d disappointed,” she told Closer. “I felt that despite me it was a success.”

However, years later, her grown daughter watched The Thorn Birds, and told her mother, “‘Mom, you were fabulous,’” Ward recalled. “That was, for me, the most important response that I could’ve ever had.”

”It was soap opera. I think of it differently now,” Ward said. “Acting styles have changed and mine was always quite natural. And I think they tried to make me something that I wasn’t naturally. So that’s the excuse that I’ve made for myself.”

Rachel Ward Bryan

Her performance in the 1983 miniseries The Thorn Birds was of course a very important step for Ward, career wise. However, the production of the show became much more important for her, since she met the love of her life.

Rachel Ward and Bryan Brown

During her work on The Thorn Birds, Rachel Ward and Chamberlain’s characters Meggie and Father Ralph had great passion between them, which kept the viewers coming back.

Chamberlain recalled that it was difficult filming specific scenes.

“There’s a microphone hidden in the armpit… and you’re trying not to smear her lipstick,” he told Closer.

Even though Ward and Chamberlain were in love on camera, the great love story was actually when the cameras were turned off.

Bryan Brown starred as Meggie’s husband Luke O’Neill, and while shooting, they fell in love.

“What happened on screen was happening off it – that’s why our love scenes were so believable,” Ward told the UK’s Daily Express.

“Everyone on set realized they were falling for each other. “I’ve never seen two people more in love,” Chamberlain said, adding that Brown even helped Ward calm her nerves before shooting. “She seemed to get happier and happier and her work got better and better.”

Married months later

Ward and Brown obviously had “sexual chemistry” on set. She really fancied him, however, when asked who made the first move, she made sure to throw her beloved husband under the bus.

‘He as slow as a wet week. Really took forever. I think I probably did,’ she said

Brown, however, insisted that he was just being a “cunning Aussie bloke” not approaching her at once.”

“And before they know it, they’re hooked!” the legendary actor joked. 

Rachel Ward and Brown got married months after the filming of The Thorn Birds wrapped.

The couple went on to have three children, Rose, Matilda and Joseph.

So what happened to Ward following The Thorn Birds?

She and Brown moved to Australia, where Ward starred in several films and television series.

Rachel Ward – this is her today

In 2001, she was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Performance by an Actress in a Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television following her performance in the film On the Beach.

Her other credits include The Big House, Martha’s New Coat and television series Rake, Devil’s Playground and The Straits.

Ward also went into producing and directing,

Besides being an actress, wife, mother, and now grandmother, Ward also made sure to contribute to society.

Therefore, in 2005, she was awarded the A.M (Member of the Order of Australia for “raising awareness of social justice through lobbying, mentoring and advocacy for the rights of disadvantaged and at-risk young people.”

Work with daughter Matilda

Both Matilda’s parents were present when she gave birth, which was truly special for her.

“When I was pushing Zan out at the end, dad was stroking my head and mum was cheering me on, crying, saying, ‘Come on, Till! He’s so close,’” Matilda said. “It was pretty special that both my parents got to be with me through such a monumental time in my life.”

Just days ago, Ward got to see her newborn granddaughter, which she shared on her Instagram.

And on another note, isn’t Matilda just the spitting image of her mother!

Ward and her daughter Matilda both chose acting as their job.

However, when Matilda first said she wanted to become an actress, her mother wasn’t that excited.

Spitting image of her mother

“Mum definitely said ‘don’t be an actress,’” Matilda recalled. “She encouraged me to go to film school and get behind the camera, which I did and I’m very glad I did.”

In 2016, they teamed up in the film The Death and Life of Otto Bloom. Rachel and Matilda play the same character at different stages of her life

“We look alike so obviously there’s a great bonus in that we share physical similarities and mannerisms,” Rachel Ward said. “Plus, as we know, women over the age of 40 are basically invisible in the media and in film … It’s a treat when something comes along where it’s ok to be in your 50s.”

Rachel Ward was wonderful as Meggie Cleary in The Thorn Birds, and we’re so happy to see that she still is as passionate today.

50-Year-Old’s Epic Comeback to Workplace Mockery Will Inspire You!

At 50, I believed my career was over. But when I started working at a fast-paced startup, I soon became the target of a jealous young colleague. What happened next was more than just a struggle for respect; it led to a surprising twist that changed everything.

After losing my husband, I felt lost, like a ship without a direction. Days blended together, and finding a new purpose seemed impossible.

The psychology degree I had put aside years ago suddenly felt like my last hope. So, I decided to pull it out and use it in my 50s.

Source: Midjourney

When I got an internship at an IT startup, I couldn’t believe it. Technology wasn’t really my thing

But I thought, “Why not? This might be the fresh start I need.”

My new boss, Liam, was 28 years old. He was smart, driven, and focused only on one thing: success. Profits, growth, numbers.

People? Not so much.

In our first meeting, Liam hardly looked at me. I could feel his doubt.

“So, I was thinking,” I started carefully. “It might be good to focus on building stronger connections within the team…”

Source: Midjourney

Liam cut me off. “We’re growing fast. I need results. What do you suggest?”

“Well, it’s about finding balance.”

“You’re just an intern, right? Just listen and repeat,” he said, turning back to his laptop.

That was it. The conversation ended. I left the office feeling defeated.

Maybe I am too old for this.

I needed a fresh viewpoint, so I called my best friend Jake.

Jake had always been my rock, especially after my husband died. There were days I couldn’t even get out of bed, but Jake was always there, helping me through the grief.

Source: Midjourney

We decided to meet at our usual café, a cozy place where time seemed to slow down.

Jake was there when I arrived.

“Hey, Mary. You look like you’ve got a lot on your mind,” he said, waving me over.

I sat down. “I don’t know, Jake. This new job is tougher than I thought. Liam’s young, and he only cares about numbers and profits.”

“Liam, huh? The young boss you mentioned?”

I sighed. “Yes. He doesn’t care about people. I shared some ideas, but he dismissed them.”

“Sounds like he’s missing the bigger picture,” Jake said. “You’ve been through a lot. You know how to help people connect. Why not use that?”

I looked at him, puzzled.

Source: Midjourney

“What do you mean?”

“Remember that emotional support program you wrote as your thesis? Why not offer it as the team-building event? It’s what you know best, and it works.”

I thought for a moment. He was right. The program had helped me regain my strength after my husband passed.

“Maybe you’re onto something,” I said, feeling a bit hopeful. “I’ll pitch the idea to Liam.”

Jake smiled. “That’s the spirit! And remember, if anyone can reach a guy like him, it’s you.”

With renewed confidence, I approached Liam the next day. After explaining the team-building event, I watched his face, hoping for interest.

Source: Midjourney

“Okay, Mary. Let’s give it a try,” Liam said, though his tone was flat.

“Thanks, Liam. I’ll make sure the team benefits.”

Suddenly, I saw Lora standing outside the office, clearly listening to us. She stepped into my way as I tried to leave.

“Team-building, huh? Sounds like a big project,” she said, her eyes sparkling with something I couldn’t quite place.

“It should help everyone connect better,” I said, trying to stay positive despite feeling uneasy around her.

“Liam agreed to this? Surprising, since he’s not really into this soft stuff.”

I shrugged. “He’s willing to try, so that’s something.”

Source: Midjourney

She paused and smiled too brightly.

“Hey, since you’ll be busy organizing the activities, why don’t I handle the logistics? I’m good at that kind of thing.”

I hesitated; something felt off. Still, I didn’t want to seem untrusting, especially since I was new.

“That will be helpful,” I said. “Thanks, Lora.”

“No problem! I’ll take care of everything.”

At the time, I had no idea she had her own plans. I was just grateful for the assistance.

The day of the team-building event was supposed to be my chance to shine. But when I got to the venue, there was nothing. No decorations, no people, and no sign of an event.

Source: Midjourney

Something was wrong. As I stood there, staring at the empty room, my phone rang. It was Liam.

“Mary, where are you? Everyone’s here waiting. You said you’d run this thing, and now you’re not even here!”

Panic hit me. “What!? Liam, I’m at the location I arranged. No one’s here.”

“What location?” His voice grew cold. “The whole team’s at the new place Lora said you picked.”

Lora. Of course.

It was a trap, and I had fallen for it. That was her way of making me look bad in front of Liam.

“I’m on my way,” I said before hanging up.

I called Jake. “Jake, I need your help. Fast.”

Source: Midjourney

“What happened?”

“Lora changed the location for the team-building without telling me. I can fix it, but it needs to be at my place, not Lora’s. I need you to bring everyone to my house.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be there soon,” he said immediately.

I hurried home, just in time to set things up.

I arranged tables on the terrace, lit lanterns, and made the garden feel warm and inviting. My nerves were high, but I wasn’t going to let this defeat me.

Jake arrived with the entire team in his van. They stepped out, looking confused but curious about the cozy setting.

The event was going better than I expected. People paired up, laughing and chatting, their usual office facades dropping away. The atmosphere in my garden worked its magic.

Source: Midjourney

Liam, who had always seemed serious, was finally loosening up. He moved around, talking to everyone, even smiling.

I noticed Lora and Liam chatting together. I got a bit closer, curious about what they were saying.

“This place is really nice,” Lora said, looking around.

“Yeah, I have to admit, it’s different from the usual corporate events.”

Lora laughed lightly. “Different is good, right? We often get stuck in our little bubbles at work.”

Liam leaned back in his chair. “You’re right. I didn’t realize how much the team needed this. We focus so much on results, we forget something important.”

Source: Midjourney

I saw them both relaxing. For a moment, I felt a sense of satisfaction.

Maybe this event would help them connect in more ways than one.

I caught Lora watching me from across the garden. Even though the evening went well, I sensed this wasn’t over.

As the night came to an end and people started leaving, I saw Lora with Liam near my wardrobe. Lora looked around and picked up a stack of papers, flipping through them quickly.

“Hey, Mary,” she called out. “What’s this? Something important?”

Liam’s face turned red with anger when he noticed the papers in Lora’s hands. He grabbed them.

“What the hell are these doing here?” he snapped, glaring at me. “I prepared these for a meeting with investors. I left them on my desk, Mary.”

I opened my mouth to explain, but he didn’t let me.

“Don’t act innocent. It’s obvious now. You’re working for the competition, aren’t you? I trusted you!”

“No, Liam, I…” I started, but he waved me off.

“We’ll talk later. Stay out of my way for now.”

With that, he stormed out. I turned to Lora.

She smirked. “I didn’t think those documents were that important. I just wanted to teach you a lesson.”

“A lesson? You’ve ruined everything!”

Still, I believed the real Lora, the one I’d seen laughing with Liam earlier, was still in there somewhere. But at that moment, she chose to be her worst self.

I sank into a chair, feeling completely defeated. Jake came over, putting a hand on my shoulder.

“Everything happens for a reason, Mary. Don’t give up yet.”

Source: Midjourney

When I got a message from Liam asking to meet the next day at the office, I felt nervous, but I decided to go in with my head held high.

The next afternoon, I walked into the office with a heavy heart. I saw both Liam and Lora there.

“Mary, I… I need to apologize,” Lora began, her voice shaky. “I was the one who moved the location for the team-building event. I wanted to make you look bad, and… I also planted those documents on your desk.”

“Why?” I asked, barely believing her.

Lora sighed, looking down.

“I was jealous. I thought you were stealing Liam’s attention from me, and I let that cloud my judgment. But after the team-building event and hearing what you said… I realized how wrong I was.”

Liam, who had been quiet, stepped forward.

“She’s telling the truth, Mary. Honestly, I’m grateful for what you did.” He looked at me, his tone softer. “That night in your garden, I felt like a normal person again. I started to notice things I hadn’t in years. It was a wake-up call.”

He glanced at Lora and winked, making her blush. I couldn’t help but smile. It seemed the relaxed atmosphere of that evening did more than I hoped.

Liam turned back to me. “Mary, your methods worked. From today, I’d like to make it official. You’ll be the company’s emotional recovery coach.”

I was stunned, then broke into a smile. “Really? Thank you, Liam.”

Liam added, “And we’ve got more to celebrate. The morning meeting with the investors went great. So, I’m inviting the whole team to stay after work tonight for pizza. Let’s make it a tradition!”

I laughed, feeling lighter than I had in weeks. The weight of uncertainty was gone. I had found my path and could focus on helpingWhen I got an internship at a tech startup, I couldn’t believe my luck. Technology wasn’t really my area of expertise, but I thought, “Why not? This might be the fresh start I need.”

My new boss, Liam, was 28 years old. He was smart, ambitious, and very focused on one thing: success. He cared a lot about profits, growth, and numbers, but not so much about people.

In our first meeting, Liam hardly looked at me. I could sense his doubt.

“So, I was thinking,” I started carefully. “Maybe we should focus on building stronger connections within the team…”

He cut me off, “We’re growing fast. I need results. What are you suggesting?”

“Well, it’s about creating a balance.”

“You’re an intern, right? Just listen and repeat,” he said, already turning back to his laptop.

That was it. The conversation was over. I left feeling deflated.

Maybe I’m too old for this.

I needed a new perspective, so I called my best friend, Jake.

Jake had always helped me, especially when times were tough. After my husband passed away, there were days I couldn’t even get out of bed. But Jake was there, cheering me on when I struggled with my grief.

We decided to meet at our favorite café, a cozy place nearby where time seemed to slow down.

Jake was already there when I arrived.

“Hey, Mary. You look like you’ve got a lot on your mind,” Jake said, waving me over.

I sat down and sighed. “I don’t know, Jake. This new job… It’s harder than I expected. Liam’s young, and he’s all about numbers and profits.”

“Liam, huh? The boss you mentioned?” Jake asked.

“Yeah. He doesn’t care about people. I shared some ideas, but he just brushed them off.”

“Sounds like he’s missing the bigger picture,” Jake replied. “You’ve been through so much. You know how to bring people together. Why not use that?”

I looked at him, puzzled.

“What do you mean?”

“Remember the emotional support program you created for your thesis? Why not offer that as a team-building event? You know it works.”

I thought for a moment. He was right. The program had helped me heal after losing my husband.

“Maybe you’re onto something,” I said, feeling a bit more hopeful. “I’ll pitch the idea to Liam.”

Jake smiled. “Now you’re thinking. And remember, if anyone can reach a guy like him, it’s you.”

With renewed confidence, I approached Liam the next day. After explaining the team-building idea, I watched his face, hoping for some interest.

“Alright, Mary. Let’s give it a shot,” Liam said, though he didn’t sound too excited.

“Thanks, Liam. I’ll make sure the team benefits from it.”

Suddenly, I noticed Lora, who had been standing outside the office, clearly eavesdropping. She stepped in front of me before I could walk by.

“Team-building, huh? Sounds like a big project,” she said, her eyes sparkling with something I couldn’t quite place.

“It should be a good way to connect everyone,” I said, trying to stay upbeat despite the uncomfortable tension I felt with her.

“Liam agreed to this? Surprising. He’s not into this soft stuff.”

I shrugged. “He’s willing to try, so that’s something.”

She paused and smiled a bit too brightly.

“Hey, since you’ll be busy organizing, why don’t I handle the logistics? I’m good at that kind of thing.”

Something about her offer made me hesitate. Still, I didn’t want to seem untrusting since I was new.

“That would be helpful,” I said. “Thanks, Lora.”

“No problem! I’ll take care of everything.”

I had no idea she had her own plans. I was just thankful for the help.

The day of the team-building event was my chance to prove myself. But when I arrived at the venue, there was nothing—no decorations, no people, and no sign of an event.

Something was wrong. As I stood there, my phone rang. It was Liam.

“Mary, where are you? Everyone’s here waiting. You said you’d be running this thing, and now you’re not even here!”

Panic hit me. “What!? Liam, I’m at the location I arranged. No one’s here.”

“What location?” His voice was sharp. “The whole team’s at the new place Lora said you picked.”

Lora. Of course.

It was a setup, and I had walked right into it. That was her way of making me look incompetent in front of Liam.

“I’m on my way,” I managed to say before hanging up.

I called Jake. “Jake, I need your help. Fast.”

“What happened?” he asked.

“Lora changed the location for the team-building without telling me. I can make it work, but it needs to be at my place, not Lora’s. I need you to bring everyone to my house.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be there soon,” he said.

I rushed home with just enough time to prepare.

I set up tables on the terrace, lit lanterns, and made the garden inviting. I was nervous, but I wasn’t going to let that ruin everything.

Jake arrived with the entire team packed into his van. The employees spilled out, looking confused but intrigued by the cozy setting.

The event went better than I imagined. People paired up, laughing and chatting, their usual office masks dropping away. The atmosphere in my garden worked its magic.

Liam, who had always been so serious, was finally relaxing. He moved from group to group, engaging in conversations and even smiling.

At one point, I noticed Lora and Liam together. I edged closer, curious about what they were saying.

“This place is really nice,” Lora said, looking around the garden.

“Yeah, it’s different from the usual corporate events,” Liam replied.

Lora laughed. “Different is good, right? Sometimes we all get stuck in our office bubbles.”

Liam leaned back. “You’re right. I didn’t realize how much the team needed this. We’re always pushing for results and overlooking something important.”

I felt a sense of satisfaction watching them let their guards down. Maybe this event would bring them closer in more ways than one.

I caught Lora looking at me from across the garden. Even with the evening going smoothly, I sensed this wasn’t the end of her games.

As the night wound down and people began to leave, I noticed Lora with Liam near my wardrobe. Lora glanced around and reached for a stack of papers, flipping through them quickly.

“Hey, Mary,” she called out. “What’s this? Something important?”

Liam’s face turned red when he saw the papers in her hands. He snatched them away.

“What the hell are these doing here?” he snapped, glaring at me. “I prepared these for a meeting with investors. I left them on my desk, Mary.”

I opened my mouth to explain, but he cut me off.

“Don’t act innocent. It’s clear now. You’re working for the competition, aren’t you? I trusted you!”

“No, Liam, I…” I tried to explain, but he waved me off.

“We’ll talk later. Stay out of my way for now.”

He stormed out, leaving me with Lora.

She smirked. “I didn’t think those papers were that important. I just wanted to teach you a lesson.”

“A lesson? You’ve ruined everything!”

Still, I believed there was a better version of Lora, the one I’d seen laughing with Liam earlier, but she chose to be her worst self at that moment.

I sank into a chair, feeling defeated. Jake came over and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Everything happens for a reason, Mary. Don’t give up yet.”

When I received a message from Liam asking me to meet him the next day, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I decided to go in with my head held high.

The next afternoon, I arrived at the office feeling heavy-hearted. When I walked in, I saw both Liam and Lora there.

“Mary, I… I need to apologize,” Lora began, her voice shaky. “I was the one who moved the location for the event. I wanted to make you look bad, and… I also planted those documents on your desk.”

“Why?” I asked, hardly believing her.

Lora sighed and looked down.

“I was jealous. I thought you were stealing Liam’s attention from me, and I let that cloud my judgment. But after the event and hearing you speak, I realized how wrong I was.”

Liam, who had been quiet, stepped forward.

“She’s telling the truth, Mary. And honestly, I’m grateful for what you did.” He looked at me, his tone softer. “That evening in your garden, I didn’t just feel like the boss. I felt like a regular person again. I started noticing things I hadn’t in years. It was a wake-up call.”

He glanced at Lora and winked, making her blush. I couldn’t help but smile, realizing the relaxed atmosphere had done more than I hoped.

Liam turned back to me. “Mary, your methods worked. So, from now on, you’ll be the company’s emotional recovery coach.”

I was stunned for a moment and then broke into a big smile. “Really? Thank you, Liam!”

“And we have more to celebrate. The investor meeting went great. I’m inviting the whole team to stay after work tonight for pizza. Let’s make it a tradition!”

I laughed, feeling lighter than I had in weeks. The weight of uncertainty was gone. I had found my pathIt looks like you’re interested in a story about navigating workplace dynamics, personal challenges, and the journey of self-discovery. This narrative explores the protagonist, Mary, as she faces challenges in her internship at a tech startup. She encounters a young and ambitious boss, Liam, who prioritizes numbers over people, and a competitive colleague, Lora, who tries to undermine her.

The turning point comes when Mary decides to pitch a team-building event based on her emotional support program, which ultimately transforms the team’s dynamics. Despite obstacles, including Lora’s manipulations, Mary’s efforts lead to a more positive work environment and her own empowerment, as she eventually becomes the company’s emotional recovery coach.

If you’d like to delve deeper into themes like workplace relationships, personal growth, or strategies for effective team-building, feel free to ask!

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