Numerous individuals have stumbled upon enigmatic objects or phenomena, only to find solace in the vast realm of the internet, where inquisitive minds and experts converge to unravel these mysteries. In the following piece, we’ll present 11 extraordinary encounters people have had and unveil the insightful solutions offered by the online community as to what these odd things may be.
What is this little ramp thingy on the bottom of a lotion bottle?” nohurrie32 replied: “It’s for the manufacturing of the product so that it can be turned while standing up.”
An odd little desk?
“What is this thing? The inside opens up to empty space, it’s disconnected from the desk below.”
Reddit user crunchsmash said: “It’s a bed/lap desk. There’s supposed to be a metal bar underneath that slots into the wooden tray, so you can prop it up at different angles for reading and stuff”
A strange wall decoration
Image Credit: @Annabel_Lector / Reddit“Found in a house we just bought. Made of metal and screwed into the wall, has a hole in the middle. Located in bathroom by shower.”
Luckily, Reddit user Happy_Cranker had the answer: “This is either a soap dish holder or toothbrush holder, but it’s missing the middle part that held the ring. Does that make any sense in the context of where it is located in the bathroom? Could have been a holder for a hand towel as well. I remember seeing these in houses from the 60’s and 70’s.”
Odd things in doors
Image Credit: © JstTrstMe / Reddit“It’s called a ’speakeasy’ and it’s for talking to someone without having to open the door.” 3rdCoastTxn from Reddit replied to the question: “What is the purpose of this little door in the door?”
“My girlfriend brought it when we moved in. What is this?” It definitely tops the list of odd things we’ve seen.
Image Credit: © StevieNichole / Reddit“
It’s an abs exerciser.” – jackrats / Reddit
“Found in house during a remodel. It’s six inches long with a stone on the end. Google image search says it’s a pin but the end is dull. Any ideas?”
Image Credit: ThePoneLady / Reddit“
Looks like a pipe poker tool for a pipe bowl.” – KevOSinKS / Reddit
Image Credit: © one__*ent / Reddit“
My clothes pegs are all individually numbered. Why is that?” Reddit user 3-cent-nickel knew why: “Different molds have different numbers so if they start coming out of the machine messed up, they can identify which mold needs replacing.“
The world’s strongest boy. He is currently 24 years old
About 15 years ago, Richard Sandrak, who moved from Ukraine to the United States, was called the strongest boy in the world.
Richard started to exercise seriously when he was just a child. And at the age of 8 he could bench-press with more than 30 pounds! At 11 years of age he lifted 53 pounds!
Now he’s 24 years old and it’s hard to call him a jock.
Once he was given the nickname «Little Hercules», he was constantly invited to competitions, TV-shows, commercials, magazines and even movies. That’s why Richard’s family moved to California, so the son could fully realize himself.
Training, nutrition, regime — these points were monitored by the boy’s father — a former world champion in martial arts. Very often the man was criticized for abusing his son and putting a lot of pressure on him.
And when Richard was 11 years old, he called the police when his father assaulted his mother. The man was put in jail for domestic violence.
The boy stopped communicating with his father and no longer recognized him. For a while he was still practicing, but gradually it became less and less.
At the moment Richard says: «I am very proud of my achievements as a child, I am not ashamed of them and I do not try to hide this page of my life from anyone. And he adds: «I just don’t want to live like that anymore.» «They tried to make me look like some kind of abomination of nature.»
Now Richard continues to exercise, but not as fanatically. He runs every morning and also likes skateboarding. By profession, he is a stuntman at the show «Waterworld» in Los Angeles, where he is set on fire at least five times a day, and then he has to dive into the water from a great height.
Once he was asked what he wanted to be, his answer was surprising: «A scientist, doing quantum physics… or an engineer at NASA. Why not»?
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