He waits for an owner who will never come back, rotting from sickness and starvation

A girl from pokhrofskoy richardalovsky ukraine submitted a facebook message to a local animal shelter she claimed that near her house an owner departed for a month, the owner of this house left two miserable dogs chained lately.

This girl poster’s name is xenia detected a rotten smell in this house of course she was ridiculed a lot xenia panics and deletes the post.

The rescuer team of that local shelter did not have any information, no address, no phone number, and after they viewed the sorrowful photographs, they were resolved to locate to save these two poor pets.

After almost three hours of travelling and questioning individuals they got to the house. After breaking the lock they get entry to the house a terrible rotten smell was rising up, tragically one baby did not survive.

The other was a labrador, he was just bones and terrible sick, he was starving for days, he wept a lot and his tears are still pouring. Maybe he was terribly sad. He was afraid and didn’t dare look at savior.

They named him Boss.

The weary baby was being transported in the vehicle to vet, Boss is being examined after the blood transfusion the baby will be cared for at the Vet for a bit.

Boss has a terrific appetite, he is eating well which is a wonderful, he is an exceptionally clever man.

Boss is evolving every day, he was released and welcomed at a temporary house, he is waiting for a joyful home.

Finally something fantastic occurred, Boss was adopted by a family in kiev, Boss’s magnificent adventure has started.

Now is the moment when we look forward to watching this angel’s joyful days. Boss is really gorgeous he loves everything he has a great family.

“We appreciate his new family so much we will always miss you Boss”

Surviving Neglect: The Harrowing Ordeal of a Dog Abandoned in Agony, Struggling to Endure an Unremedied, Enormous Tumor

In the streets of Chefchauen, Morocco, a little puppy was seen by a group of kind-hearted folks. The puppy experienced a massive growth at his young age, and it was unknown what caused it. They quickly took the puppy into their care and named him Navajo.

Despite being a happy and open little child, Navajo was suffering from diarrhea and refused to eat. He was kept in isolation, and his rescuers were frightened that he could have caught the deadly parvo virus, which is a frequent ailment among stray puppies in Morocco.

Determined to save Navajo’s life, the rescuers traveled hundreds of miles at 4am to get him to a veterinarian. It was revealed that Navajo had a hernia, most likely caused by a strong kick, and that the growth was a result of substantial stress. The procedure was long and hazardous, but the doctor and his colleagues were able to correct Navajo’s hernia and give him a chance to survive.

Navajo had a significant chance of catching the parvo virus, but his rescuers were determined to give him the care and love he needed. They treated him with medications and loving hands for several weeks, and Navajo proved to be a little fighter.

Forty days later, Navajo was a changed puppy. He was healthy, happy, and confident, with only a scar reminding his rescuers of the hardship he had gone through. Navajo’s rescuers were thrilled with his growth and wanted to locate him a loving home where he could live the life he never had.

If you’re interested in adopting Navajo and providing him the love and care he deserves, you may send an email to [email protected]. Navajo’s story is a tribute to the resiliency of animals and the power of love and compassion.


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