Mum Faced Backlash After Saying Her Baby is “Ugly” in a Viral Tiktok Video

Lucy Baehr didn’t see her daughter Reese as the cutest baby, but a mother’s love transcends mere looks. However, the story didn’t stop there; when she playfully posted her daughter in a TikTok challenge, she encountered a storm of criticism, which Lucy defied with her steadfast maternal affection.

Getting pregnant with Reese had its fair share of ups and downs

Lucy Baehr shared an experience that resonated with many mothers who eagerly anticipate the arrival of their newborn babies, expecting them to be undeniably cute. Hailing from Arkansas, her story took an unusual and humorous twist, capturing the online world’s attention.

Lucy’s journey to motherhood was a real rollercoaster. She’d faced the formidable challenge of infertility and experienced heartbreaking losses. But she was a loving mom to her daughter, Harper, and a dedicated stepmom to Cole. In September 2019, they added a third furry member to the family, a dog, hoping to fill that void in their lives.

Then, in February 2020, she dropped a bombshell: Lucy found out she was pregnant with a baby girl. The news left her overjoyed and, well, a little incredulous. When her daughter, Reese, finally arrived, Lucy’s first reaction was a mix of shock and humor.

She recalls the moment, saying, “I’m pretty sure I looked at my husband and was like, ’She’s healthy?’” It was a perfect way to sum up a surprise that life had thrown her way, making Reese’s arrival a bit less unique than they had anticipated.

“Her nose was incredibly swollen, and her eyes were beady.” The new mom also shared how looking back, not a single person, not even the delivery room nurses, tried to sugarcoat that Reese wasn’t exactly a poster baby for cuteness.

“People just didn’t comment on her appearance,” she laughed.

When Harper, Reese’s sister, got to hold her baby sibling for the first time, even she couldn’t help but notice the striking differences between them. While Baehr’s daughter was likely excited about becoming an older sibling, she couldn’t help but steal a glance at her mother and make a candid observation about Reese’s appearance, describing it as “weird.” Lucy, her mother, reassured Harper, telling her there was some truth to her observation.

The “ugly baby” Tiktok challenge

Most people know it’s almost taboo for mothers to admit their children might not be the cutest openly. Still, Lucy Baehr fearlessly ventured into that territory using TikTok. She joined in on a trend where people shared their experiences of expecting an adorable newborn but being surprised by reality. With a good-natured laugh, the mother of three proudly declared that she had taken the crown in that department!

When Baehr caught the trend of folks sharing photos of their “less-than-cute babies” on TikTok, she couldn’t resist jumping on the bandwagon. At one point, her video had been seen by almost 24 million people. It all turned into a big laugh, with some users jokingly suggesting that her daughter looked like Mr. Bean or Harry Potter’s Dobby!

Most of the comments from her TikTok followers were all in good fun. One person even quipped that Reese looked “like a villager.”

Another person playfully guessed that the little girl definitely took after her father. Someone else couldn’t help but sympathize with the idea that women endure nine months of nausea and drama, only for their kids to come out “looking like their dads.” Another added, “Newborns are rarely, if ever, cute. They’re a ‘trust the process’ kinda creature.”

However, while many on social media found Baehr’s post to be light-hearted fun, some didn’t share the sentiment. Some believed poking fun at a child was in bad taste and sharing such a clip on social media wasn’t right.

The new mom got a lot of heat for poking fun at her baby

Baehr opened up about the criticism she faced, with some people labeling her a “terrible mom.” Critics were concerned that her viral post might negatively impact Reese’s self-esteem. However, Baehr stood her ground, explaining that she was simply being honest.

The mother of three clarified that she intended to normalize the reality of how newborns often looked when they entered the world. She reassured everyone that Reese was perfectly fine. Baehr even pledged to share the story with Reese one day.

She also believed that her daughter would inherit her sense of humor. Her primary aim was to remind mothers that not all newborns fit the typical “perfect-looking” image, and that’s perfectly okay. She emphasized that her video wasn’t meant to be mean-spirited, and she knew Reese wasn’t ugly.

Lucy also shared an Instagram picture of her newborn baby, adding a heartfelt caption explaining the significance of Reese’s name. She deeply loved the little girl, saying, “You were loved long before you got here.”

The glow-up is real

But as a respectable princess, Reese has grown into a beautiful baby. Her mom finally gave her Instagram followers a peek at Reese almost three years after her birth, sharing more photos and even a video clip showcasing how pretty and lively her daughter had become. People in the comments couldn’t help but gush, calling Reese a “beautiful baby girl,” “absolutely precious,” and “a doll.”

Then, on November 4, 2022, Baehr dropped an Instagram video that captured how Reese had changed over the years. She revealed that it took her two years to put the clip together and that it had her feeling a bit emotional. The video showed Reese laughing, smiling, learning to crawl, playing with the family dog, taking her first steps, feeding herself, exploring the world, and transforming into the gorgeous little girl she is now.

Things have been looking up for Reese, who’s now nearly three years old. “Reese is gorgeous,” Baehr proudly said. “She has these huge blue eyes.”

However, Reese’s journey reminds us that beauty truly comes in all shapes and sizes. Her heartwarming transformation and her radiant spirit teach us to embrace our unique selves and appreciate the beauty in every child, no matter how they may look at birth.

Stories like this might sound strange, but they’re pretty common. Just see what other folks shared about their first encounters with their babies.

Preview photo credit lucybaehr / Instagram

I Met My Ex-fiancé Who Dumped Me Because I ‘Wasn’t Good Enough’ – He Was on a Date & My Revenge Was Hard

Hi everyone, I’m Nikki, and I want to share a story about how sometimes karma just needs a little nudge. It all began when I spotted my ex-fiancé at a fancy restaurant with another woman. What started as an ordinary night out for me turned into a delicious opportunity for sweet revenge.

Before we move on to the main story, here’s a bit of context. About five years ago, I was engaged to this guy named Mark. We had been together for three years and I was in love with him: you know, the kind where you cannot imagine your life without your favorite person. Luckily, Mark reciprocated my feelings and always assured me that he too felt the same way. We weredeep into our wedding plans and I was over the moon to start a new chapter of my life with him when, out of the blue, he called it quits. Yes, you heard that right. He broke up with me. His reasoning? I “wasn’t good enough for him.” Apparently, he’d landed a big promotion at work and suddenly felt like I didn’t fit his new image. Sounds crazy, right? According to him, he needed someone more refined, someone posh—basically, someone who wasn’t me. He claimed I lacked ambition and drive and that he wanted a partner who could match his “high standards.” It hit me hard. I was a total wreck, wallowing in self-misery for months. I knew I had to pull myself together, but I just didn’t know how. Everything reminded me of him, of us, and of the time we had spent together. It took me ages to move on from him, but the pain is still fresh in my mind, and so are the memories. It hit me hard, and it took me ages to move on from him. Fast forward to the present: I’m 35, delightfully single, and absolutely thriving in my career. Last Saturday, I decided to treat myself to dinner at a fancy new restaurant in town. Guess who I saw through the window as I approached the entrance? You guessed it: Mark! He looked just as smug as ever, laughing and enjoying dinner with some stunning woman. I knew I couldn’t let this opportunity slip by; I had to warn her in a way he’d never see coming. So, I stepped into the restaurant, feeling a surge of anger, and then, suddenly, inspiration struck. I called over the waiter and, with a sweet smile, asked if he could do me a favor. “Hello. I need your help. Do you see the man at that table? He’s my ex-fiancé,” I explained, keeping my tone light. “It would mean the world to me if you could help me pull off a little prank.” The waiter’s eyes twinkled with interest. “What did you have in mind?” he asked, leaning in slightly. “First, let’s send over a bottle of your most expensive champagne with a note,” I said, already feeling the thrill of my plan coming together. He nodded, taking mental notes. “What’s the note supposed to say?” “To Mark, who always settles for second best,” I replied, grinning. The waiter chuckled and walked away to arrange the first part of my revenge. From my table, I watched as the waiter presented the bottle and note to Mark. His face turned a brilliant shade of red, and the woman looked completely puzzled. I could see Mark trying to explain something, but she didn’t seem too convinced. Next, I decided to hit a bit closer to home. I called the waiter over again. “Now, I’d like to send them an appetizer,” I said. “Something he’s highly allergic to. And another note.” The waiter raised an eyebrow but didn’t question me. “What should this note say?” “Just a reminder of what you can’t have,” I replied, feeling a bit wicked. He nodded and went off to carry out my instructions. I watched with glee as the appetizer was delivered. The woman’s face shifted from confusion to irritation, and Mark looked like he was ready to explode. He was obviously trying hard to maintain his composure, but it was a losing battle. For the final act, I needed some outside help. I quickly called my friend Sarah, who lived nearby. “Hey, Sarah, I need a huge favor. Can you come to the new restaurant downtown? I need you to play a little part in my revenge plot.” Sarah arrived within 20 minutes, just as Mark was looking like he might crack under the pressure. She walked up to their table, pretending to recognize Mark. “Oh my God, Mark!” she exclaimed, loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear. “I haven’t seen you since you were at that dating seminar last month. How’s your fiancée? Did she finally agree to the open relationship?” The entire restaurant seemed to go silent. Mark’s date looked horrified. “What is she talking about, Mark?” she demanded. Mark stammered, trying to explain, but the damage was done. “Clara, it’s not what it sounds like,” he blurted out, his face turning an even deeper shade of crimson. “She’s just a friend, making a joke.” Clara wasn’t buying it. She narrowed her eyes, her face a mix of anger and disbelief. “A joke? About a fiancée and an open relationship? Really, Mark?” She grabbed her purse and stood up. “I can’t believe I wasted my time on you.” She stormed out, leaving Mark standing there, red-faced and furious. I watched from my table, savoring every moment of his downfall. As a cherry on top, I decided to go for one final blow.I walked over to Mark’s table, smiling sweetly. “Hi Mark,” I said, enjoying the look of shock on his face. “Guess I wasn’t so ‘not good enough’ after all, huh?” His mouth opened and closed like a fish, but no words came out. Feeling triumphant, I turned and left the restaurant. My heart was pounding, but it felt amazing. Outside, I took a deep breath of the cool night air, feeling lighter than I had in years. A few days later, I heard from a mutual friend that Clara had broken up with Mark that night. Apparently, he’s been trying to figure out how it all went so wrong ever since. He’s even been asking around, trying to piece together what happened. Meanwhile, I’ve moved on, happier than ever. And that’s my tale, folks. Revenge can indeed be deliciously satisfying, especially when garnished with a touch of humiliation. Don’t you agree? Thanks for reading! Much like Nikki, Phoebe’s seemingly idyllic life was shattered by a shocking discovery. Instead of letting pain and anger consume her, she decided to reclaim her freedom and secure her future, all while her husband remained blissfully unaware of her plans.

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