Teens Bully Elderly Woman on Bus, But a Homeless Man’s Unexpected Words Stun Everyone

Two drunk teenagers started bothering an old lady on the bus until a homeless man stepped in to stop them – and it changed his life forever.

Molly, an elderly woman, struggled to climb the steps onto the bus. She was relieved when a strong hand helped her up. But when she turned to thank the person, she cringed.

The hand belonged to a tall, thin man who looked homeless and unkempt. Molly quickly pulled her arm away and stiffly said, “Thank you.” Despite her unease, she nodded politely before finding a seat.

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The man smiled sadly. He was used to seeing disgust on people’s faces and facing rejection. But Tom stayed true to himself. He watched as Molly sat down, taking up two seats.

Something about Molly reminded Tom of his mother. His mother would also have been upset to see him in his current state. Tom walked to the back of the bus and sat by himself.

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He closed his eyes, thinking about his daughter, Daisy. Two years ago, his wife Valery was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and after her death, Tom’s life fell apart.

For 18 months, Tom used all their savings to pay for Valery’s treatments, even borrowing money against their home. But it didn’t save her, and Valery passed away. Tom sold their house to pay off debts.

Tom lost his job after missing too much work while caring for Valery. With his wife gone, he also lost his home, his job, and all that remained was Daisy.

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After selling the house, Tom moved with Daisy to a tiny apartment in a rundown building. The place was awful, with graffiti on the walls and bad smells in the hallways.

When Child Services visited, they took Daisy away. Tom was devastated and could only visit her at the group home. Eventually, Tom ended up on the streets, and the only luxury he allowed himself was a bus ticket to see Daisy.

Tom was deep in thought when a loud voice interrupted him. “Hey, driver! This lady should pay for two tickets!” shouted a drunk teenager.

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The teen had noticed Molly, sitting quietly. Another teen joined in, making fun of her weight. Molly held onto her purse, looking around, but no one came to her defense.

One of the teens stepped closer and poked Molly’s chest. “You need to move, lady! We want these seats!” he demanded.

Molly lifted her head. “There are plenty of other seats,” she said.

But the second teen sneered, “We want these seats, and you’re going to give them to us.” He leaned in as if to grab her.

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Just then, a strong voice rang out. “Get your hands off that lady, or you and I are going to have a problem,” said Tom.

The teens turned and saw Tom approaching. He was thin and ragged, but he stood tall and firm. “You boys can leave quietly, or I can help you off,” Tom said calmly.

The teens, realizing Tom wasn’t someone to mess with, backed down. The bus stopped, and they hurried off, throwing nervous glances over their shoulders.

Tom turned to Molly. “Ma’am, are you alright? Do you need help?” he asked gently.

Molly, with tears in her eyes, thanked him. “I’m fine, thanks to you. Could you walk me home?”

Tom agreed. When they reached her stop, Tom helped Molly off the bus and walked her to her apartment building. Molly invited Tom up for a slice of apple pie and coffee.

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As they talked, Molly learned about Tom’s hardships and his lost daughter. She picked up her phone, made a quick call, and smiled.

“My son has a farm, and he’s looking for a reliable worker. I think you’re the man for the job,” she said.

Tom was surprised. “But I don’t know anything about farming.”

“I told him that,” Molly said, “but I also told him you’re strong, determined, and can learn anything. And I know you have a big reason to succeed, right?”

Tom nodded, holding back tears. Molly explained that the job came with a cottage, good pay, and health insurance. She had a feeling he’d get Daisy back soon.

Source: Unsplash

Six months later, Tom was working on the farm, and Child Services allowed him to bring Daisy home. Thanks to Molly’s kindness, Tom and Daisy started a new life together.

Pregnant woman forms bond with pregnant stray cat, then they give birth at same time

When you’re expecting a baby, it’s always nice to have a friend who is also pregnant to share the experience — even if they’re not actually a human.

Two years ago, a pregnant woman took in a pregnant cat, and the two moms-to-be shared a bond — eventually giving birth at the same time!

Lauren Maners loves animals, and often volunteers to foster shelter animals in need of love. But when she was pregnant last year, she decided to take a break from caring for pets, instead focusing on her baby.

But fate had other plans. Months into her pregnancy, Lauren and her husband Kainan found a stray cat that they couldn’t turn away.

They found the stray, a white female cat they named Dove, on the side of the road, “extremely skinny and injured,” Lauren told Bored Panda.

Dove had reportedly been eating out of dumpsters. And the mom-to-be realized that the cat was also pregnant. Unable to find Dove’s owner or secure a place in a no-kill shelter, Lauren knew she couldn’t turn away a fellow expectant mother, and took her in.

“I couldn’t just leave her knowing that she was going to have to take care of her babies in the wild,” Lauren said.

“I knew that she was in bad shape and also felt a sort of connection to her due to us both being very pregnant,” she told The Dodo. “I managed to catch her by luring her up to me with our leftover food and wrapping her in my jacket, and we brought her to the vet.”

Lauren committed to fostering Dove and her future litter of kittens, and the former stray quickly made herself at home.

“She would follow me around everywhere I went, and loved sitting outside with me in the mornings in our fenced-in area and letting me rub her belly while we ate breakfast together,” Lauren said.

And in return for taking good care of the cat, Lauren got a sweet companion with whom she could share a real motherly connection. The two new friends were going through the same experience together, and Lauren joked on social media that they formed an exclusive “Pregnant Girls Club.”

“I and Dove had an instant bond,” she told Bored Panda. “It was like she also knew that I was pregnant and that I was a friend. She was not instantly trusting of my husband the way she was of me.”

Weeks went by, and soon both pregnant ladies were preparing to give birth — and it turned out their due dates were very close.

Finally, the day came, and Lauren gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Kylie.

And after returning from the hospital, she discovered even more good news — and an amazing coincidence: Dove had also given birth!

While she’s not sure exactly what time Dove had her six kittens, she suspects the cat’s birth aligned pretty closely with her own: “They were very possibly born at the same time,” she told The Dodo.

Lauren continued to foster the cat family while caring for her newborn baby, and she continued to share a bond with Dove on their motherhood journey. She even says that baby Kylie started to bond with the kittens.

After months of fostering, it became time to find home for all the cats. Lauren helped all the kittens get adopted into good homes, and she told The Dodo that Dove was taken in by a friend of hers, so she can still keep in touch.

While caring for this pregnant cat during her pregnancy was an amazing experience, Lauren also emphasized that it isn’t something you should try to emulate: it’s important to spay and neuter your cats to help reduce the stray cat population.

What an adorable story. Thank you to Lauren for taking such good care of these cats and looking out for a fellow mom. It goes to show the real unexpected bonds that can form between humans and animals.

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