“Terminator” star Linda Hamilton has amazed fans for many years, not just for her tough role but also for embracing getting older. Check out how she has changed over the years in these amazing photos.

When Linda Hamilton first played her role in “The Terminator” in 1984, she never thought it would change her life and career so much. Known for her strong performances and striking appearance, she went from wanting to act in Shakespeare plays to becoming an action movie star.

Looking back, she once said she never expected to be known for action roles. “Did I think I would be an action star? Not at all! I wanted to be a Shakespearean actress, but with ‘Terminator,’ everything changed,” she said.

In the movie, Linda Hamilton played an ordinary woman who suddenly finds herself in a dangerous situation. She is being chased by a powerful robot from the future, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. As her character, Sarah Connor, Hamilton spent most of the movie running and trying to stay alive, using her strength and determination to survive.

However, the tough role had a negative impact on her mental health. Linda Hamilton later shared that playing the part left her struggling with depression. Even after filming ended, she had vivid dreams about the robot character, which continued to bother her for a long time.

Linda Hamilton never expected “The Terminator” to become a worldwide hit, or that she would return to play her role again in “Terminator 2” years later.

This time, she wanted her character, Sarah, to be different. She didn’t want Sarah to seem weak, but instead, a strong and determined warrior, even a little unstable. The director, James Cameron, agreed with her ideas and wrote the role to show more of Sarah’s complex personality.

Behind the scenes, Linda Hamilton faced her own tough challenges. She struggled with mental health issues from a young age, dealing with depression that started in her childhood but went unnoticed for many years.

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The actress remembered feeling different from others and silently struggled after losing her father when she was just five years old. While she described her childhood as mostly happy, it was also marked by sudden bursts of anger and a feeling of loneliness that stayed with her through her teenage years.

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At first, acting was an escape for Linda Hamilton, but it eventually made her struggles worse. She turned to drugs and alcohol to deal with her emotional pain.

Tired of Hollywood’s fast-paced lifestyle, Hamilton decided to step away from fame. Almost 30 years ago, she left Los Angeles for a peaceful life on a ranch in Virginia, where she focused on raising her family.

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Later, Linda Hamilton moved to New Orleans, choosing a life far away from the entertainment industry that had both boosted her career and worn her out. She often said that it wasn’t the acting she disliked, but the unrealistic pressures and focus on appearance that came with being in Hollywood.

For Linda Hamilton, aging was a natural and unavoidable part of life, and she embraced it with grace. She felt no pressure to fit Hollywood’s beauty standards, saying that appearance is only a small part of who we truly are.

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Linda Hamilton has openly accepted the changes that come with aging, acknowledging that the years have visibly transformed her. She has been clear about embracing her age and the experiences that have shaped her.

She said, “Yes, people will look at me and say, ‘Oh, she got old.’ That’s true, and I have so much more to share as a strong, experienced woman who has lived a lot.”

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Linda Hamilton proudly stated that she had no interest in chasing her past. Instead, she chose to celebrate who she is now. For her, it wasn’t about trying to match her old image but about embracing her changing identity with honesty and strength.

As Linda Hamilton approaches her 68th birthday, take a look at how the actress, often called “iconic,” has transformed over the years. Despite the passage of time, she continues to showcase her beauty and strength.

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Many people on social media have praised Linda Hamilton’s beauty over the years. One person commented, “She was an absolute knockout,” while another said, “She is still beautiful.” A third user wrote, “We all get older, that’s life. You look great,” and another added, “Still beautiful, aging well!!!”

However, not everyone was a fan of her more mature look. One person remarked, “Well, that is what age does.”

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Linda Hamilton’s current appearance has received a range of reactions, but her transformation over the years shows more than just the physical changes of aging. It reflects a deep personal journey.

From being an action icon to a woman who has found peace with herself, she continues to defy expectations. She embraces her past while living proudly and authentically on her own terms.

Dad gets massively shamed for putting leashes on his 5-year-old quintuplets

Raising children these days can be a task on its own. Young parents don’t just have to hear opinions from family members but also have to put up with random strangers on the internet commenting on their parenting methods.

Jordan Driskell is a young father of five quintuplets. His quintuplets happen to be 5 years old. As you can imagine, looking after 5 children who are the same age can be quite taxing. Especially at 5-years-old when a child is curious and likes to explore.

31-year-old dad, Jordan Driskell decided to find a creative solution to his problem. He bought leashes meant for children to control his rambunctuous little kids when they are in public together.

In the past, Driskell had a 6-seat stroller that they used for their big family. However, that grew tiresome very quickly because the kids would be bothered when inside it. The stroller was also incredibly inconvenient to take anywhere.

This helps the little kids get to wander and explore their surroundings when the family goes out without their dad losing sight or control of them and hence keep them safe!

Driskell posted a video of the family’s outing to the acquarium that caused a lot of negative feedback directed towards the parents. The video of the kids on leashes went viral with over 3 million views. Hundreds of people commented about how the children were not animals and hence should not have been leashed.

Others commented, “If you can’t manage the pressure, don’t have so many kids.”

Other offered disdain masked as advice, “Can’t you just properly train your children?” Discuss to them why fleeing is risky.”

Dr. Deborah Gilboa, an expert in parenting and adolescent development had a different opinion. She does not think a leash will make your child think they are an animal. And if the alternative to a leash is to stay at home, then of course, the leash is a much better option!

Dr. Gilboa said a leash is a great tool for younger children or neuro-diverse children to be controlled in a public environment. However, she said that if a neurotypical child is not off a leash by the age of eight and nine, and hence has not developed their listening skills, that might be troublesome.

By then, parents should be able to effectively communicate with children verbally instead of relying on tools like leashes.

Parents should have the freedom to parent the way they want without facing unneccesary judgement from society.

What do you think of children on leashes in public? Let us know in the comments below. Share this article with friends and family to know what they think as well!

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