It was in 1920 that, after a century of marching, women finally gained the right to vote in the United States. Following this, many other countries around the world agreed to provide this right to women. This marked a significant change in history, however, there is still much to be done. We dug deep into Reddit to learn what opinions the community has regarding the differences in freedom between men and women, and these are some of their responses.
1. “Eating large amounts of food at a restaurant”
2. “Not shaving”
3. “Going topless”
4. “Aging”
5. “Weightlifting”
6. “Being overweight”
7. “Late-night parties”
8. “Wearing the same clothes for multiple occasions”
9. “Arguing. I’ve seen times where the man is flying off the handle, but a not even raised voice retort from a woman, and she’s called emotional.”
10. “Deciding not to have children”
11. “Shaving their head”
12. “Dating a younger partner”
Double standards can be really annoying sometimes. But there are some differences between men and women that even science agrees with.
Call them “they”, not “they”! The new scandalous photos of Lopez’s heiress are causing a sensation
Jennifer Lopez’s daughter Emma has caused quite a stir with her stunning new look, much like Angelina Jolie’s daughter did.
15-year-old Emma presents herself in a way that does not meet the expectations of many fans and thus raises some questions.
Jennifer Lopez supports her daughter unconditionally and is proud of her decision to go her own way. She accepts Emma’s unconventional gender identity and encourages her process of self-discovery.
However, this openness from Lopez leads to different reactions. While some people are surprised at how much Emma has changed, others take it for granted and are neutral about the change.
Of course, the fact that Emma and her famous mother are so different in terms of their appearance attracts a lot of attention. The family is aware that Emma does not fit traditional ideas of femininity and seems to openly accept this.
Perhaps Emma simply has a different idea of femininity and cares little about the judgment or criticism of others.
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